Crooked Kingdom

Six of Crows was so good it would be hard to make a sequel but Leigh Bardugo succeeded with Crooked Kingdom begin even better. The plot was even more complicated than in Six of Crows but just as easy to follow. There where so many twists and turns; so much plotting and countering it blew my mind. In this book we get to experience so much character development; Kaz starts to become more human, we see more of Pekka Rollins and explore the fears of each member of the team. We got input from Wylan how his appearance effects him and Jesper both. Bardugo sets up Kaz and Inej and it is interesting to explore why their relationship is so cautious whereas Jesper and Wylan can love each other with no strings attached. Inej can see the good in Kaz but believes that if he doesn't give up parts of the monster he has created of himself she can't help him and will move on with her life. It almost saddens me that she found a purpose and will leave the gang. It makes sense that she will hunt slavers and I hope that one day Kaz can join her. I think that would help them both work though their fears. Jesper is a particularly interesting charter because unlike all the others he has a live to go back to and chose life in the barrel. His need for risk drove him to the barrel and gambling. I think that if Jesper's father had understood that need Jesper would not have become a gambler and sharpshooter. Although Nina is my least favorite character the new development in her grisha power is intriguing and I wished there was more time to explore it. I understand why the Bardugo had Mathias killed; it had to happen to further the character of Nina. After Mathias is killed Nina goes through stages of wanting to bring him back with her newfound character and hating herself for not being able to heal him, she decided that it was even more important to make more of the druskelle see their point of view on the grisha. Wylan was intriguing to me because unlike everyone else he came a very privileged background and had one flaw that took it all away from him. He dealt with it exceptionally well considering that he cant read. I wish there was another book that included all of these characters. I am seriously considering writing a fan fiction in a time after they are all settled into their new rolls.